Thursday, June 2

This is what I got for my birthday. Abah gave me this. Hihih. I love you bah. And mama offered me to buy garments. A lot of garments. Not now though. Cause Im not in the mood for shoppin' yet. Ehehe. So yeh. Thank you ma, bah. I love you so much. By the time I got this precious Instax Mini 7S, my heart was blooming. Not to brag k! I just want to thank to my parents for loving me this much. Awh. Please don't get me wrong people. This thing seem so comely to me. I am so overwhelmed. I don't want to blog about this but I was so zamn exult. Hihih. I know some of you guys have the most grand birthday present ever, but this..means alot to me. Like, so damn alot. Oh yeh, wanna see how it turns out when I took a picture? K! :)

Mind the looks of my bros' faces. They were so...uhm..excited? Kahkah. Yeh. Aaa my life is gettin' better. With the family I love, the vivacious friends, the sweet loving boyfriend :"> ,  and I prayed every day every second about my life and how thankful I am with the word Alhamdulillah. I won't forget every single guidance from Allah to me. ;')