Wednesday, December 14

Do any of you guys have a dream that you want so bad while you still alive? If you ask me, I will answer; there's a lot of dream that I like to catch like a little girl reaching for the brightest stars. But not all of it I can reach and keep. I've always wanted to be a journalist or a writer. I don't know if it the same thing or not cause I don't really care. I like to write and imagine things. People thought being a writer or whatsoever is lame and nerdy but to me, there is where I could express how I really felt. I can feel the pain or happiness or other emotions.

I really really really want to go to Italy and have a walk there to sniff the air, capture the environment, seeing happiness around me and jot down whatever emotion I felt. I will carry my writing book and a camera while walking around, alone. I could use some company. Maybe my future husband would be perfect. I really want to publish a book of my own. My own idea. My own story. My own book, with my name on it. As a writer of the book. That will left me in awe. How wonderful it is to have a book that you can write, your own story and everything. People reading it is a bonus. People loving it is a reward.

I am not a pro in writing. I am absolutely not pro in writing a story but I want to. I want to challenge myself one day to become a good writer. And publish a book of my own. I've told my family and my boyfriend about this. And they support me. I am thrilled! Don't get me wrong people. This is not my number 1 dream. My number 1 dream is go to Makkah and I will, someday. And I will bring my parents, my family along too. If it's going to put me in a lot of hard work, I won't mind.