It took blablabla minutes to get to the PWTC. And it was hectic. Seriously. We had to line up just to get to the chamber. Like te'ef? Haih. But thank you people the line was not as long as I thought. Heh heh. K. I bought three books. Three revision and exercise books for me to work on and blabla with. Uhm. Miza didnt bought anything. Wan bought something and so do others. Pictures were taken a thousands of snaps. That is totally a lie everybody. Ew. A couple of roundabouts we made. And after that Wan told Miza or whatever to go to The Mall ey? I can't remember. They say they want to take a breakfast whatsoever. So then we agreed. Miza invited Firdzuan to go the Mall. Wan, and others arrived first before we do cause we have to wait for Firdzuan. He is so zamn slow man. Ugh -.- and blabla bla, me, Miza, Filzah and Firdzuan walked to the Mall to have ayh breakfast. We ate pretzel for breakfast at auntie Ann's. And then we went back to PWTC as the clock struck 12.30 eh? dont know. But we had to wait for the bus to come pick us up for way too long dude. Eih. And then Bus 2 broke down somewhere, I don't know. Soe they have to separate into groups and divde into 3 gruops and each of them had to choose which bus do they want.
And the journey continuous. We had our lunch at Pizza Hut but it was just me, Miza, Firzuan and Luqman. Others ate at KFC. I had enough eating at KFC so we had our lunch at Pizzas. So yeh. Whateve. And blabla bla. We payed the bill and walked to the bus back and went to I-City. This part I want to speak in Malay k? :) this part ----> Sampai sampai solat. Sesak gila. I tell ya. Memang doa dapat tempat jelah. Then masuk masuk dapat. Syuku gila. Sebelah dengan Miza. Solat memang tak khusyuk. Dengan panas and sempit nya. Tak berhati erut lah dorang ni. -.- Habis solat keluar semua dah gone gone. Ketakutan. Ajak Miza pergi atas balik. Nampak dorang. Amik coat. Semua comel je. Ada purple, ada merah, hijau, biru. Mine tengok dekat bawah k. Then semua masuk. Masuk masuk je rasa kesejukannya disitu k. Bukan kehangatan tapi kesejukan. Uhm. Masuk je dah kena baling ais. Power babe. Power. Heh heh. Ada gelongsor! Ada igloo. Ada icehouse. Serious best and sejuk. Semua tak dapat rasa tangan and kaki Semua sakit. Peluk peluk semua. Filzah paling comel. Kena peluk dengan kite orang. Hihih. Syamil lah kejam sangat. Baling snow dekat muka. Kebas muka tahu. Then dia bagi glove dekat aku. Sebab tanda sorry kan. Muahahah. -.- amik topi Firzuan sebab nak cover kepala kalau tak bertambah pening. Telinga pedih sebab sejuk sangat. Najwa pun sama. Haih. Power sangat ice ni. Haha. Then bila time balik semua mengeluh. Mengalahai. Mengerut dahi. Tangkap gambar masa balik semestinya. Cramp di kaki tak pernah nak hilang. Menderita tak terkata. Hanya muka dan jeritan yang pedih sahaja dapat diluahkan. Mata memandang dengan resah. Aku tersenyum bila memang mata sorang sorang. Haha. Pandainya aku~ Naik bas then balik. Kena tangkap gambar dengan Fird then tunggu uncle amik. The end. Rindu harini. Kthxbai.