Hai! Miss me? It has been 5 days straight eh? Since I updated my blog? Can't remember. Sorry for the non-posting-entries. I am so busy studying for this upcoming Mid-term Exam this Wednesday and I am scared the hell out of it. From Mon to Thurs I was studying at the Bakery with Miza. And ofcs we met our love ones. Heh heh. Syakirin Alam for Miza. Amirul Rahul for me :') Yadayadayada. Oh and I ride basitor on Wed eh? Can't remember but then Rahul and Hairie saw us on the other side of the road so they joined us. shesh. -,- Hihi. And blagh. Yesterday me, Miza, Rahul and Hairie planned to take a walk, nah by walk i mean ride. Using basitor. So yeh, Miza stopped by at my house and I carried Miza along. Rahul was late we called Hairie. And he was so zamn excited about it. Macam budak budak you know -.- And yeh, he ride it with joy. Lol. and blablablaaaa. Nina joined us! I picked her up. and so do Bibol. But it's a pity for Miza cause the battery for the basitor is a dead meat by the time she went home. Eheheheh. Blame BIBOL AND HAIRIE! Hahaha. K K. That;s all for this week. I guess. The story was a little longer than this but I have the lack of ideas what to write yesterday. And also blogger is being a jerk for being unavailable for me to post some entries. Shesh. But now I do love you blogger cause you are back to normal. Yay! Eik.
I'm tired of taking pills. I'm tired of writing down to do exercise. I'm tired of feeling nausea everyday. I'm sick of going to school and absorbing all the things that all the teachers thought me. I am tired of feeling all stressed up.
I know I can do well if I work harder but I don't have the interest. Am I well yet? I;m not sure. K. Hauhauhauu. Kbye